build a resilient network

increase the marketability of your network-managed services by providing a clear framework for network resilience to your clientele

managed network services increased marketability

Use our ROI Calculator below to find out how much can you save in maintenance cost with REDeye

OSP Services

a system to monitor all of your clients outside plant network activities

strategic network

increase resilience of your client's strategic point-to-point network infrastructure

dark fiber

build a strong reputation for your dark fiber network services

managed services

increase the marketability of your network management practices to attracting more revenue from your client

increase customer satisfaction by providing resilience to your network

REDeye increases customer satisfaction by providing both you and your clients with critical insights and all network activities as well as an audit trail to increase trust and better protect the network

Fibre Optic Network Management

assure your telecommunication clients of your service value

managing network services can be tough especially with strict SLA’s and KPI’s  to keep up.  REDeye eliminates the headache by providing a simple solution that helps ensure  network operations run smoothly

improve SLA performance

avoid unnecessary SLA penalties and claims from clients

manage resources efficiently

Avoid operation inefficiencies of fibre services and management time by deploying resources where it matters the most

increase marketability

increase customer retention and value of each sale by providing proprietary services.

trusted by
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the only network resilience platform you need to manage your fibre network infrastructure

• dedicated training
• in the field support team
• fully customizable to your needs

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an outage cost